©Мariana Vezneva Collision of asteroid with Planet Earth WARNING AND GUIDANCE FOR ACTIONS WITHIN THE SYMBOLS OF THE CROP CIRCLES OF 2008 THE 2008 DIALOGUE This conversation is based on reading and understanding the symbols of the crop circles event of 2008. The questions are asked telepathically by Mariana Vezneva – an architect and scientist-explorer of the crop circles phenomenon. The answers have been encrypted in the crop circles geometrical forms. To interpret them one needs knowledge of the symbolic language as well as skills to communicate telepathically with the creating force behind the crop circles. Question 1. In the Holy Bible (Luke, 21/26) is said that “the powers of the heaven will be shaken”. Are we to expect a cosmic catastrophe? Our Solar system is of a binary origin. The planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune rotate around the visible Sun. The planet X thou rotates around the twin (invisible) Sun and crosses the orbit of the outer planet Neptune. When the planet X appears around the visible Sun it causes catastrophic events in the Solar System and marks the end of a historic time.
There is a danger that the Planet X will appear in the Solar system and will shake up the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter causing a collision of an asteroid with the planet Earth.
We can show you the place of collision and will guide you to manage the consequences of a global flood. Question 2. Will the human race be notified about the danger of collision with asteroid? The human race will discover the approaching asteroid and will watch in horror its movement on the sky.
Foreseeing the catastrophic events some people will escape to the top of the mountains, some will build special shelters.Others will try to create a contemporary version of Noah’s ark.
We recommend you to mobilize the technologies you got and to destroy the asteroid before it collides with the Earth. The grounded asteroid will have small and large bits which will cause damages, but this is the only chance for human race to survive. Question 3. How the cosmic catastrophe will develop? Will there be any help for humans? The Mother Goddess -The Mother of the World will interfere and sustain life on Earth. The Spiritual Hierarchy – the invisible secret government will help too. The cosmic guardians of life on Earth will also join forces and God Creator too. Life will sustain, but only on selected territory. Life will be very hard and difficult for the survivors. Human race will change spiritually. Man will abandon selfishness and arrogance and will develop cosmic understanding to respect life.
Question 4. How the life will be changed after the catastrophe? Life will sustain, but only on selected territory. Life will be very hard and difficult for the survivors. Human race will change spiritually. Man will abandon selfishness and arrogance and will develop cosmic understanding to respect life.
The newest book by Mariana Vezneva
All pfotos: www.temporarytemples.co.uk; www.cropcircleconnector.com