©Маriana Vezneva
CENTER FOR DIALOGUE A proposal for mental-sacral dialogue by a Center Organization, by an Institution THE 2010 DIALOGUE The questions are asked telepathically by Mariana Vezneva – an architect and scientist-explorer of the crop circles phenomenon. The answers have been encrypted in the crop circles geometrical forms by the Creators of the crop circles. In dialogue takes part with three questions a theology professor at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Question 1. An unique experiment was conducted In 2009 with participation of scientists, the Creators of the Crop Circles and the phenomenon Mariana Vezneva . Shall we continue with this experiment ? The mental-sacral dialogue need to be conducted by a Center Organization, by an Institution. All questions have to be sacral, referring to the Creation, the Evolution and the Future of the world.
The questions should cover the 7 areas of influence on which the Hierarchy of the Light works - Governing, Eduction, Science, Art, Religion, Super-sensitivity and Schools for Education. Spiritually exalted people only should participate in the dialogue. Question 2: What kind of specialists should we involved in formulating the questions? In the mental-pictogram dialogue specialists from following science fields should participate: Seismology, Volcanology, Ecology, Demography, Space Research.
From the interpreted answers the participants will know how to react and how to handle natural disasters. Please, take a closer look at the pictogram - calculator. You will see that the Banks will lose their influence and will not have enough capital to operate. Question 3: Will the New Civilization take over and how? How the New Civilization will differ from the Old one? The New Civilization has been born already and it appears in the material world. It has the fourth dimension - to the existing three dimension the power of transmitted energy will be added (the Aura), which could be able to be measured with an equipment.
Three questions from prof. D.Kirov from University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ochridski”, faculty of Theology:
Answer 1. The globalization has to happen. It’s part of the evolution. We watch the country, that does it. The big countries are interested in the process of globalization,
the small countries are forced to participate. Answer 2. The model of religion has been given to us by the the Higher Spiritual Powers and it has different ways to demonstrate itself. We watch that no religion replaces any other religion. Answer 3. The fight against Evil is not efficient, because Evil feeds from the seduction. Your advertisements are full of seductions. Give more love, not only material support. |
All photos: www.temporarytemples.co.uk; www.cropcircleconnector.com |