Strange circles appear in the corn fields worldwide for more than 20 years now. In England these circles comprise just simple geometric forms, sometimes complete geometric compositions. In the course of time these compositions grow more and more complicated, even fantastic. A shaft of light outlines the figures in just 15 seconds. The way these crop circles formations are made, their outlook and the precision with which they are formed exclude the possibility that they can be made by a human hand.
Soon after the first crop circles a lot of imitations appear also, but the experienced eye of a specialist can easily tell the difference between the real crop circles and the false ones.If a person who can decipher symbols decides to trace the pictograms that have appeared in the course of the years, he will understand, that unknown image writing is used in them. He will gradually realize, that the pictograms comprise messages from a Higher civilization addressed to the whole humanity. Upon getting deeper into the messages he will become aware, that they are delivered through the universal cosmic language Senzar – the Sacral language. The eminent theosophist Helena Blavatsky was the first one to mention this language.
The universal cosmic language Senzar known till now is known in two varieties: the ancient fabulous form in which the ancient myths and legends were expressed and the contemporary pictogram form, used in the signs of the Zodiacal Circle, in the letters of the Glagolic Alphabet of St. Kiril and in the crop circles pictograms.If we trace the messages delivered in the crop circles pictograms we will understand, that the first messages are introductory, then follow messages for the Creation of Man, for the human races evolution and for the future of humanity.
The mental-pictogram dialogue between Mariana Vezneva and the Creators of the Crop Circles began in 2004. The early pictograms from 1975 -20003 give information about the symbols of numbers from 1 to 10 and also 11,12,13, as well about the 7-th chakras - doors energy in the human body. These are the main characters associated with the Creation and Evolution of man and the Future of the world.
/Mariana Vezneva - "The messages in the crop circles" - 2004/
The Evolution of human races is revealed. Pictograms say that the first two races are spiritual, that we are in the fifth race and are at a crossroads whether to continue in the next race or go back to the spiritual condition. It is clear that only a part of humanity from this contemporary fifth race will pass in the sixth. It reveals also that Creators of crop circles belong to the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light and they want to help us to raise the spiritual level and resist the fateful events ahead.
Pictograms speak us about climate change. Global warming goes into global cooling, but life remains. They offer us to create a school under their management, which can be trained through telepathic contact.
Soon after the first crop circles a lot of imitations appear also, but the experienced eye of a specialist can easily tell the difference between the real crop circles and the false ones.If a person who can decipher symbols decides to trace the pictograms that have appeared in the course of the years, he will understand, that unknown image writing is used in them. He will gradually realize, that the pictograms comprise messages from a Higher civilization addressed to the whole humanity. Upon getting deeper into the messages he will become aware, that they are delivered through the universal cosmic language Senzar – the Sacral language. The eminent theosophist Helena Blavatsky was the first one to mention this language.
The universal cosmic language Senzar known till now is known in two varieties: the ancient fabulous form in which the ancient myths and legends were expressed and the contemporary pictogram form, used in the signs of the Zodiacal Circle, in the letters of the Glagolic Alphabet of St. Kiril and in the crop circles pictograms.If we trace the messages delivered in the crop circles pictograms we will understand, that the first messages are introductory, then follow messages for the Creation of Man, for the human races evolution and for the future of humanity.
The mental-pictogram dialogue between Mariana Vezneva and the Creators of the Crop Circles began in 2004. The early pictograms from 1975 -20003 give information about the symbols of numbers from 1 to 10 and also 11,12,13, as well about the 7-th chakras - doors energy in the human body. These are the main characters associated with the Creation and Evolution of man and the Future of the world.
/Mariana Vezneva - "The messages in the crop circles" - 2004/
The Evolution of human races is revealed. Pictograms say that the first two races are spiritual, that we are in the fifth race and are at a crossroads whether to continue in the next race or go back to the spiritual condition. It is clear that only a part of humanity from this contemporary fifth race will pass in the sixth. It reveals also that Creators of crop circles belong to the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light and they want to help us to raise the spiritual level and resist the fateful events ahead.
Pictograms speak us about climate change. Global warming goes into global cooling, but life remains. They offer us to create a school under their management, which can be trained through telepathic contact.
The Creatores advise us to build centers from which we can spread the messages around the world not only from the documentary photos of pictograms, but above all the contents. They offer to conduct training courses in the universal cosmic language of pictograms.
/ Mariana Vezneva, "Eye of omniscience", ed. 2007 /
Much of pictograms are illustrations of Revelation of St. John the Evangelist - Apocalypse. They give advices on how to maintain harmony between man and nature. To restore forests. To preserve biodiversity.
Pictograms show the impact of an asteroid that causes universal flood, but also that they will help us to reduce the area and power of the flood. The condition is to maintain telepathic contact with them.
An experiment of the programmed mental dialogue was carried out between Mariana Vezneva,Creators of crop circles with the participation of Bulgarian scientists who ask questions. It was signed a protocol of participants attesting to the successful conduct of the experiment. They again guide us to the creation of a center, which develop into a school about master of thought. The creators of crop circles are revealed themselves as senior cosmic beings who are on Earth in physical bodies. They use telepathy to contact us. They are Mahatmas of Shambhala.
/ Mariana Vezneva " The Warning Dialogue through the Symbols of crop circles", ed. 2010 /
The Creatores give us specific instructions for the continuation of an unique experiment, but already carried out by the center. It can involve people with certain professions, environmentalists, seismologists, volcanologists, demographers, financiers, specialists in space research and people with telepathic abilities. The unique experiment is extended with the participation of professor of theology.
Pictograms of the Fukushima accident and the effects of radiation are given. The danger of accumulation of weapons of mass destruction. A pictogram-response to a natural disaster in Bulgaria. A pictogram-welcome to participate in the international round table on "Afforestation - an alternative to climate change."
/ Mariana Vezneva "Crop circles talk", ed. 2012 /
2012 - NIBIRU
In a pictogram is shown that in astronomical picture reported approaching large planet in our solar system and establishing contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Pictograms target extraterrestrial origin of our civilization. They offer us to do united mental energy shield around the Earth to protect it.
Pictogram depicts hourglass, which shows very little time remaining before the crucial upcoming event. Universal deluge, flood. Possibility of survival by using the power of thought. They offer we hold an international forum in which to discuss all the crop circles messages received by them so far.
The year is dedicated to advancing global changes of life, mastery of thought as a factor of the new civilization and love as a main force.
In 2015, the season begins with a pictogram of four-way terrorism in the world. It is clear that he was provoked by Islamic terrorism. It demonstrates how the Mahatmas will reduce the catastrophic eruption of a super volcano in America. It ends with an optimistic pictogram. Changing life - one enters the fourth dimension.
The pictograms of 2013, 2014 and 2015 speak and show disharmony - disasters and floods, starvation and a complete change of life. Saving life in high places, mastering the power of thought.
In the most fatal events, a meeting with Extraterrestrial Reason and assistance from Space will take place.
Mastering the power of thought will be able to protect life on Earth and prevent military action. To the power of Thought will be added the Power of Love and this will be a new stage of evolution.
After 2015, the personal dialogue between the Creators of the Crop Circles and their messenger Mariana Vezneva has been discontinued. All pictograms from 2016 to date are alternative iterations from previous years.
The Creatores advise us to build centers from which we can spread the messages around the world not only from the documentary photos of pictograms, but above all the contents. They offer to conduct training courses in the universal cosmic language of pictograms.
/ Mariana Vezneva, "Eye of omniscience", ed. 2007 /
Much of pictograms are illustrations of Revelation of St. John the Evangelist - Apocalypse. They give advices on how to maintain harmony between man and nature. To restore forests. To preserve biodiversity.
Pictograms show the impact of an asteroid that causes universal flood, but also that they will help us to reduce the area and power of the flood. The condition is to maintain telepathic contact with them.
An experiment of the programmed mental dialogue was carried out between Mariana Vezneva,Creators of crop circles with the participation of Bulgarian scientists who ask questions. It was signed a protocol of participants attesting to the successful conduct of the experiment. They again guide us to the creation of a center, which develop into a school about master of thought. The creators of crop circles are revealed themselves as senior cosmic beings who are on Earth in physical bodies. They use telepathy to contact us. They are Mahatmas of Shambhala.
/ Mariana Vezneva " The Warning Dialogue through the Symbols of crop circles", ed. 2010 /
The Creatores give us specific instructions for the continuation of an unique experiment, but already carried out by the center. It can involve people with certain professions, environmentalists, seismologists, volcanologists, demographers, financiers, specialists in space research and people with telepathic abilities. The unique experiment is extended with the participation of professor of theology.
Pictograms of the Fukushima accident and the effects of radiation are given. The danger of accumulation of weapons of mass destruction. A pictogram-response to a natural disaster in Bulgaria. A pictogram-welcome to participate in the international round table on "Afforestation - an alternative to climate change."
/ Mariana Vezneva "Crop circles talk", ed. 2012 /
2012 - NIBIRU
In a pictogram is shown that in astronomical picture reported approaching large planet in our solar system and establishing contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Pictograms target extraterrestrial origin of our civilization. They offer us to do united mental energy shield around the Earth to protect it.
Pictogram depicts hourglass, which shows very little time remaining before the crucial upcoming event. Universal deluge, flood. Possibility of survival by using the power of thought. They offer we hold an international forum in which to discuss all the crop circles messages received by them so far.
The year is dedicated to advancing global changes of life, mastery of thought as a factor of the new civilization and love as a main force.
In 2015, the season begins with a pictogram of four-way terrorism in the world. It is clear that he was provoked by Islamic terrorism. It demonstrates how the Mahatmas will reduce the catastrophic eruption of a super volcano in America. It ends with an optimistic pictogram. Changing life - one enters the fourth dimension.
The pictograms of 2013, 2014 and 2015 speak and show disharmony - disasters and floods, starvation and a complete change of life. Saving life in high places, mastering the power of thought.
In the most fatal events, a meeting with Extraterrestrial Reason and assistance from Space will take place.
Mastering the power of thought will be able to protect life on Earth and prevent military action. To the power of Thought will be added the Power of Love and this will be a new stage of evolution.
After 2015, the personal dialogue between the Creators of the Crop Circles and their messenger Mariana Vezneva has been discontinued. All pictograms from 2016 to date are alternative iterations from previous years.