On February 19, 2017, a friendly meeting was organized and held at the Idea Vita Spiritual Center with Mariana Vezneva fans. PhD student Ani Delcheva told us about the role of the representatives of The Great White Brotherhood and the role of the Theosophical doctrine from the time of Blavatsky to Mariana Vezneva. Some of the most important messages from the crop circles of the last 15 years to humanity were presented by the messenger of Shambhala Mahatmas - Mariana Vesneva, who will be included in the script of an upcoming film. Interesting and key moments of the writer's life were shared. A film was screened by journalist Mariana Anastasova about the successful experiment with scientists and the Creators of the Crop Circles in 2009 through Mariana Vezneva.
We thank cordially for the kind assistance and invitation of the managers of the Idea Vita Center - Diana and Lyubomir Mitevi. |
On February 23, 2016, at the Central House of the Architect was presented the latest book of arch. Mariana Vezneva in co-authorship with Dr. Konstantin Zlatev "Sacred Messages in the Crop Circle".
The event opened with a brief summary of the two authors. Journalist Ani Delcheva reviewed a Theosophical doctrine that listed the names of Elena Blavatsky, Elena and Nikolai Roerich, Eilis Bailey as one of the first envoys of the Great Teachers of Humanity - the Mahatmas of the Hierarchy of Light. The work of these great souls today is continued by the new messenger of the Great White Brotherhood - Mariana Vezneva. The book, co-authored with Konstantin Zlatev, proves once again the concern of our patrons - Mahatmas about the future of humanity. The Mahatmas provide guidance for action to unite the world in the final cycle of our civilization.
Already at the beginning of the book Dr. Konstantin Zlatev writes: “It is exceptional that the code of this exquisite cosmic language was interpreted in Bulgaria by the Bulgarian arch. Mariana Vezneva. It is the first and so far the only one in the world that reads messages in crop circles and engages in dialogue with their Creators - Higher Cosmic Beings. "
The two authors shared when and how the idea for writing the book "The Sacred Messages in the Crop Circles" came about. Arch.Vezneva presented on the boards drawings of pictograms for the 2015 season and shared with the attendees the information contained in them. The highlight of the event was the answers to questions asked by participants at the previous UAB meeting. The Great Teachers of Shambhala have answered all the questions concerning the development of humanity and the future of the world.
The event opened with a brief summary of the two authors. Journalist Ani Delcheva reviewed a Theosophical doctrine that listed the names of Elena Blavatsky, Elena and Nikolai Roerich, Eilis Bailey as one of the first envoys of the Great Teachers of Humanity - the Mahatmas of the Hierarchy of Light. The work of these great souls today is continued by the new messenger of the Great White Brotherhood - Mariana Vezneva. The book, co-authored with Konstantin Zlatev, proves once again the concern of our patrons - Mahatmas about the future of humanity. The Mahatmas provide guidance for action to unite the world in the final cycle of our civilization.
Already at the beginning of the book Dr. Konstantin Zlatev writes: “It is exceptional that the code of this exquisite cosmic language was interpreted in Bulgaria by the Bulgarian arch. Mariana Vezneva. It is the first and so far the only one in the world that reads messages in crop circles and engages in dialogue with their Creators - Higher Cosmic Beings. "
The two authors shared when and how the idea for writing the book "The Sacred Messages in the Crop Circles" came about. Arch.Vezneva presented on the boards drawings of pictograms for the 2015 season and shared with the attendees the information contained in them. The highlight of the event was the answers to questions asked by participants at the previous UAB meeting. The Great Teachers of Shambhala have answered all the questions concerning the development of humanity and the future of the world.
On 23 May at 14.00 in the hall of the National Palace of Culture "Kibea" presented to the audience the latest book of arh.Mariana Vezneva co-authored with Dr. Konstantin Zlatev "Sacral messages in crop circles".
The analysis offered by the authors in this book summarize and systematize the information available up to now and show these two thesis : First, that the figures in the crop fields are meaningful and logical relationship to each other and generally represent a system of knowledge about God, the world and man. In an unusual way they experience a connection between intelligent beings assumed cosmic responsibility for the fate of our planet and human civilization. Second, this system of knowledge can be presented as a theory of teaching, justified from the perspective of Christian theology and spiritual knowledge. A lot of questions were asked to the authors and suggestions for future meetings concerning the discussion of themes in the book and discussion with Ms. Vezneva on anticipated new pictograms for the upcoming season. |
On April 28 at 16:00 in Hall 2 at the Central House of Architect - str. "Krakra" 11 at the request of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria, Arch. Mariana Vezneva presented the topic:
"The knowledge in the messages of crop circles" The guests were acquainted with the most interesting and key messages in crop circles for the past five years by Mrs Vezneva. She explained the most important messages from the creatores of crop circles: 1. "The mental-sacral dialogue need to be conducted by a Center Organization, by an Institution. And in this center to get involved specialists from following science fields: Seismology, Volcanology, Ecology, Demography, Space Researc." 2. "We want to learn you how to materialize thought, master of telepathy, levitation of ..." 3. "You can help to protect life by building" mental shield "around the earth." 4. "Make a forum with international participation for dialogue with us about the events that lie ahead in the transition period between the two civilizations - old and new." 5. "We want dialogue with the spiritual dedicated people who can draw as well." The guests have seen a film of journalist Mariana Anastasova with participants conducted in the unique experiment of 2009. At this meeting there were written questions about the political future of the world and the future of Bulgaria and were given to arch. Mariana Vezneva. Next discussion of pictograms- responses will be after interpreting from the arch. Mariana Vezneva and will be announced at a forum in autumn or winter this year. We thank all participants for the interest in this topic and willingness to help spread the messages in crop circles at home and abroad. |
A specialist scientific conference, dedicated to alien civilizations was held in Sofia from the 6th until the 8th of November.
It was taken place within the eleventh scientific conference ‘Space, ecology, security’, organized by the Institute for Space Exploration and Technology at BAN (Bulgarian Academy of Science).
Such a forum on such a serious scientific level was taking place for the second time. It is a way to draw a taboo topic out of the shadows – the possible contact with other cosmic civilizations in the near future. It is time that mankind stars speaking about these topics calmly.
Of course, оne of the topics discussed at the conference was the problem of "crop circles".
On behalf of the arch. Mariana Vezneva а presentation on the topic "The creators of crop circles and their messages to humanity" was presented by Annie Delcheva. The interest for foreign participants was great as for our audience because of the unexpected information.
/presentation will be published /
It was taken place within the eleventh scientific conference ‘Space, ecology, security’, organized by the Institute for Space Exploration and Technology at BAN (Bulgarian Academy of Science).
Such a forum on such a serious scientific level was taking place for the second time. It is a way to draw a taboo topic out of the shadows – the possible contact with other cosmic civilizations in the near future. It is time that mankind stars speaking about these topics calmly.
Of course, оne of the topics discussed at the conference was the problem of "crop circles".
On behalf of the arch. Mariana Vezneva а presentation on the topic "The creators of crop circles and their messages to humanity" was presented by Annie Delcheva. The interest for foreign participants was great as for our audience because of the unexpected information.
/presentation will be published /
A specialist scientific conference, dedicated to alien civilizations will be held in Sofia from the 6th until the 8th of November at Russian center with address: Sofia, “Shipka” 34 str.
It will take place within the eleventh scientific conference ‘Space, ecology, security’, organized by the Institute for Space Exploration and Technology at BAN (Bulgarian Academy of Science).
The topics of discussion in the conference are:
On behalf of the arch. Mariana Vezneva а presentation on the topic "The creators of crop circles and their messages to humanity" was presented by Annie Delcheva. The interest for foreign participants was great as for our audience because of the unexpected information.
/presentation will be published /
It will take place within the eleventh scientific conference ‘Space, ecology, security’, organized by the Institute for Space Exploration and Technology at BAN (Bulgarian Academy of Science).
The topics of discussion in the conference are:
- Problems in searching for signs of alien civilizations – active and passive monitoring. Life on other planets. Guest lecturers from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the SETI - California Institute and GEIPAN – the French Space Agency.
- The ‘Crop Circle’ problem. A discussion featuring representatives from the biggest bodies exploring this phenomenon, from the USA, Russia, the UK, Italy and France.
- Aliens and space exploration. Russian and American astronaut accounts for alien presence.
- Are records for contact of a higher-level being hidden – documents confirming that information around actual contacts are being classified. Misinformation about UFO crashes. Italian and French experts will show and discuss data and eyewitness accounts.
- Unidentified aerospace phenomena (UFOs) in Ireland, Norway and France.
- Mental contacts with aliens and the concept of the Information field in the Universe.
- The Italian UFO Organization’s experience and knowledge - celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
On behalf of the arch. Mariana Vezneva а presentation on the topic "The creators of crop circles and their messages to humanity" was presented by Annie Delcheva. The interest for foreign participants was great as for our audience because of the unexpected information.
/presentation will be published /
A Film of the journalist Mariana Anastasova, dedicated to the unique experiment /2009/ conducted between scientists and creators of crop circles with intermediary arh.Mariana Vezneva.
The International Council for Science ICSU / at UN developed systems for global surveillance of the climate, the ocean surface, the dry land and the natural conditions in general. It also created a coordination system for these systems for global surveillance of the Earth called GEOSS. The following strategic plan and goals of the ICSU Council for the period 2006-2011 were set:
- Announcement of an International Polar Year (IPY) from 2007 till 2008. In this strategic plan for 2006-2011 it was noted, that the Polar Regions are a unique barometer of the environmental change and provide important insights into the health of the planet as a whole.
- Concentration on both the natural and human-induced environmental hazards and disasters (i.e. hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and global pollution, as well as surface and inner changes of the Earth as a result of pollution, underground ores and resources extraction and slides, caused as a result of deforestation). Development of a really global and interdisciplinary approach towards the understanding (fore sighting) of the evaluation and the decrease of both hazards and disasters.
- Provision of natural social and economical development of the environment by the help of the four main global Programs for Environmental Change, who comprise projects concerning the global pollution, water, food and human health.
In this strategic Plan for 2006-2011 it was mentioned, that the Council will examine the possibilities for regeneration and vulnerability of the social and ecological systems, the way in which the society behavior, culture and values influence the natural development.
- Concentration its efforts on the human health.
The strategic Plan for 2006-2011 states, that global environmental change and human health are interrelated and that the Council will make a new international project planned as a part of the scientific planetary partnership in connection with the systems for surveillance and preservation of the Earth.
- Research and investigation of new horizons.
The strategic Plan for 2006-2011 states, that the interaction between the various trends in both science and life and between the different countries is of critical necessity.
- Universality of science
The strategic Plan for 2006-2011 states, that a common international universal public domain for science will be developed to facilitate the approach to the scientific data and information necessary for the researches, education and for informed decision-making.
- Encouraging the dialogue and the shared understanding for the Earth development.
The definition “The polar regions are a unique barometer of environmental change and provide important insights into the health of the planet as a whole.” appears for the first time in an official UN document and also in a document of the International Council for Science at UN.
This document indeed provides a strategic plan for the 2006-2011 period for responsible protection of the Earth’s health by the help of the newest achievements and control of the science development in conformity with the laws of nature based on the development of natural technologies, products and energy sources, by spreading the knowledge and information gained, which are necessary for the researches and for education and informed decision-making and also through the dialogue and the shared understanding of the Earth evolution. And all this expresses and leads once again to rationalization of the ancient connection Man-Earth-Cosmos, which - as it is well known, depends primarily on the human and his spirituality, on the moral purity, harmony and love, somehow notified beforehand, evaluated and felt through the mind - as thought and analysis, through the soul – as a value system and intuition and through the heart – as good and lovability. The consecutive return to the beginning.
In 1975 the first book of professor Fritjof Capra “The TAO OF physics” was published. It addresses a challenge towards the conventional wisdom through parallels made between the traditional mentality and mysticism of the East and the development of the quantum physics and the general relativity of the 20th century as leading science of the West revealing one and the same basic truth. The Universe-Cosmos is one internally related whole, an unceasing stream of living energy – all of us are part from it. This is the book that presents in what way does the religion and philosophy of the East connect with the contemporary science of the West and give birth to an organic image of the world.
This is a book, which initiates a new, a second Spiritual age in the recent history of humanity - if we consider that the first Spiritual age has begun in 1875 by the Theosophical Society establishment.
Professor Carpa is an universally known physicist - he has done research on particle physics and systems theory and he founded the Center for Ecoliteracy ( at Berkeley, California, dedicated to education for sustainable living under the motto: “We do not need to invent sustainable human communities. We can learn from societies that have lived sustainably for centuries. We can also model communities after nature's ecosystems, which are sustainable communities of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Since the outstanding characteristic of the biosphere is its inherent ability to sustain life, a sustainable human community must be designed in such a manner that its technologies and social institutions honor, support and cooperate with nature's inherent ability to sustain life.”
Professor Capra works at the famous International Center for Ecological Knowledge Schumacher College (, England that was founded in 1991 on the grounds of the conviction that the society needs a new vision, which should present the new values in partnership with the Earth.
It turns out that the Theosophical Society was organized one hundred years earlier – in 1875. Henry Steel Olcott became the first president of the society who has accepted the Buddhist religion. The society was also related with the Russian tradition that was related to the great Himalayan expeditions and poets.
Society's principal founders were Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, (1831-1891), William Quan Judge and Henry Steel Olcott.
Society's followers: George Arundale, Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, Radha Burnier, John Coats, Arthur L. Conger, Robert Crosbie, Abner Doubleday, C.Jinarajadasa, Grace F. Knoche, Jiddu Krishnamurti, C.W.Leadbeater, James A. Long, G.R.S. Mead, Gottfried de Purucher, Nilakanta Sri Ram, Helena Roerih (1879-2954), Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947), Katherine Tingley, B.P.Wadia
Theosophical texts: Helena Blavatsky: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Voice of Silence (1889), The Key to Theosophy (1889), Mahatma Letters – they are supposed to be written by Mahatma theosophists to Henry Steel Olcott, Helena Blavatsky , etc.
Helena Blavatsky was considered a Great initiate who wrote remarkable and astounding books that remained remarkable and astounding even to this day. Helena Roerih spread the moral and spiritual teaching Agni Yoga in USA and she wrote 32 books devoted to the knowledge that characterizes the new theosophical era.
Nicholas Roerich was a scientist and researcher, academician, writer, poet and philosopher; his interests lay in literature, philosophy, archaeology and especially art and he and his wife Helena Roerich were co-founders of the theosophical Agni Yoga Society as well as of the Master Institute of the United Arts in New York in 1920 and of the archeological center The Himalayan Research Institute in India - in 1928. In 1929 Nicholas Roerich was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the University of Paris. (He received a second nomination in 1935.) His concern for peace led to the creation of the Pax Cultura¹, the "Red Cross" of art and culture. His work in this area also led the United States and the twenty other members of the Pan-American Union to sign the Roerich Pact on April 15, 1935. The Roerich Pact was an early international instrument protecting cultural property. He was known to the lamas as a scientist with a soul of a pilgrim. He was also famous with his astounding pictures – it is to this day controversial whether these pictures were 5000 or 7000. Among them was the brilliant series of several hundreds of pictures painted during the Great Himalayan Expedition that lasted for more than 5 years. These were paintings of amazing coloring of the alpine earth relief with the fantastic blazing forms of an unseen world, with bursts of immense and unattainable mind-imagination and heart-sensitiveness, filled with both movement and peace. They changed under the influence of the outer sunlight and the inner spiritual light, each time differing, inspiring, purifying and half-expressed. Like his books and his thoughts – a paradox for his time, seeking the signs for unification between the ancient Vedic mentality and the analytical formulations of Einstein and the parallels between Agni Yoga and the character of the new age when the Cosmos started to demonstrate an increased interest towards our planet, when humanity comes nearer to the fine types of energy mastering and when the thoughts of mahatmas written down in Agni Yoga are in full compliance with the new problems of science. For the time of the mythical and the sacred Shamballa has come – the time when everybody will communicate by their third eye – the eye of omniscience, the time when the new higher human forces will be controlled and when they will be linked to the cosmic energies, the time when elements like the earth, fire, wind and earthquakes will be controlled. Isn’t this the great personality of the Creator, who has added to His creativity also those fine understanding energies, which we begin to study as late as today; isn’t this the personality of the person of encyclopedic knowledge of the new Spiritual Renaissance that can be most properly correlated to the great Leonardo?
By the end of the previous century, around the magical 2000, the World again begins to get excited by the messages of the ancient civilizations, by some unexplainable phenomena, which are already known to us and which we have already accepted, but which lately get more and more frequent, which intensify and make tight in a strange way the amazing parallels and analogies between the contemporary science and the esoteric and religious knowledge and begin to fundamentally change our concepts for the human as well as for both evolution and Universe. In this sense the great Russian tradition presented by Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich was continued not only mentally, but on the pure physical level as well by the fourth consecutive expeditions to India, Nepal and Tibet and the books written for each one of them by the professor in ophthalmology, the doctor of medicine Ernst Mouldashev, director of the
Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center ( The expeditions were organized under the auspices of the International Academy of Sciences at UN.
Professor Mouldashev is the founder of the trend “Regenerative Eye Surgery” and if the technologies “Alloplant” (the theoretical basis for the batch clinical adoption of the Alloplant was made again in the symbolic 1975 – the beginning of the second Spiritual Age), protected by 10 patents in Russia, Europe and USA; he is a respected consultant and a member of the International Science Academy at the United Nations, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Luiswill University of Ophthalmology of Mexico. He is the first surgeon in the world who in February 2000 transplanted a human eye. After the transplantation he said: “People do not want to understand, that the eye transplantation is a result of complex scientific conclusions including not only medical knowledge, but also data from both physics and molecular biology, as well as form the ancient Tibetan truths.”. And later on: “How can I explain, that during the operation with the alloplant inside the eye I created constructions that were very similar to those that I saw in Tibet – the “rock mirrors” that were bending the time! The time bended indeed and for an incredibly short period within the transplanted eye grew the vessels that already an year and a half provide its blood supply. How can I explain that I wouldn’t have been able to make this operation without the religious knowledge acquired in the Himalayan and Tibetan expeditions, without the strange facts, which we established there: there are mirrors there that condense time; the matter is a twisted space in which the time has stopped and the energy – a twisted space in which the time flows; the thought is composed by the free energy of the time that lives outside the space; the power of thought transfers the matter and the energy in the various parallel worlds, materializes and dematerializes and creates antigravitation; initially the energy body duplicate is created, or the phantom of the human or of the thing, and then the materialization itself takes place; only the five elements: water, fire, wind, earth and the human being can pass from one world into another and return from there; a file of the creative bio-regulation exists that has a special program; the sacred mountain complex Kailas consists of pyramidal architecture buildings built after the mandala principle – this mandala was called Kalachakra and was described by Nicholas Roerih and it is the legendary Town of the Gods that keeps the genetic stock of humanity and which was built by the Great United Intelligence of all the earth races, of the Shamballa Intelligence, penetrated by the endless and eternal Universe-Cosmos. As they came nearer Kailas, they begin to meet more and more often regular circuits with 10-200m diameter in which there grew unusually thick grass similar to the unsolved crop circles in England. The very pyramidal peak Kailas was situated at the center of the Town of the Gods and was the tower of Shamballa, while the legendary stone of Shamballa (called Shantamany) was a stone-file and a program meant for creation and shaping the physical man and was kept within the little Kailas.
There exist both visible and invisible Shamballa – the Town of the Gods itself is the very Matrix of Life.
Many people asked the author if this was not just a fabulous interpretation of the legends and religions of the East. His answer was: If the scientists who are atheists ponder over the well known scientific fact for the cellular unlocality, that is – that each of the billions cells of the human organism immediately becomes aware of the fate of all the other cells, they will understand that this fact cannot be explained with anything but the existence of a thinking substance. The science and religion are the two sides of the knowledge and only the synthesis between them can bear principally new perspectives in the infinite spiral of evolution.
Architect Mariana Vezneva is a Bulgarian who wrote the series of books called “The Mystery School”. Between 1991 and 2000 four books from this series were published and re-published. These were the books The Supersensory Knowledge (1991, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2000), Along the Spiral of Evolution (1995, 1996, 2000), Esoteric Initiation (1998, 1999) and Beyond the Curtain of Time (1998, 1999) – in which architect Mariana Vezneva reveals the experience, interpretations, insights and prophecies she gained at the Sacral School of Shamballa after 1981 after she first mentally gained and then strictly systematized them. She is a descendant of healers with abilities for telepathic contact and clairvoyance. In 1974 during the delivery of her second child she underwent clinical death and as the symbolic 1975 approached (the beginning of the second Spiritual Age) her senses and abilities grew sharper. She herself says, that since 1981 she begun to mentally and telepathically receive systematized spiritual knowledge (a process of training) from the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the invisible Shamballa secret school. This Hierarchy was revealed for the first time in the Secret Doctrine of Helena Blavatsky together with the Law and the Plan for the spiritual evolution that it manages.
Architect Mariana Vezneva is a correspondent-member of the International Academy of Informatization at UNO. She is a clairvoyant that has been awarded Gold Phenomenon as well as an alternative explorer in the spiritual field with expressed abilities for analysis and synthesis. The knowledge she obtains is primarily gained through graphic editing of physically existing, established and registered (that is - already proved by another method information); in the course of its analysis the explorer himself and his method for analysis become a part of the process of perception and realization of the information. The method is the graphic editing while the information is mentally received and interpreted (at wave and energy-brain level). Another very important thing concerning architect Mariana Vezneva is that she has never been outside the country and she has never undertaken traditional expeditions to any part of the Earth. The existing physically known information ways in which the new information is being submitted are:
- published texts – like the Bible, the World Myths and Legends;
- the world known artifacts and ancient historical monuments – for instance, the Phaistos Disc, the Thracian Rider, the Madara Rider, the Solar Sanctuary at Strandja-Sakar region
- the Bulgarian Glagolitsa Alphabet;
- the natural order of numbers;
- the unsolved crop circles near Stonehenge, England.
The interaction “explorer-method-information” is a traditional scientific fact in physics. The explorer and the method used are a part of the process of the information received. Besides, the finer the objects become - together with the energy that corresponds to them, the richer the information they bear is. For instance, the wave-particle dualism established by de Brogile, consists of the following: if a shaft of electron particles is let to pass through a small barrier opening, to the other side of the barrier (using suitable instruments and appliances) we can observe propagation of waves.
Another method used by the correspondent-member Vezneva is the telepathic guidance for going to a specific Spiritual place by the required fine energies and the realization of focused meditation over the Spiritual Hierarchy wisdom - as a result, new information is gained. This method combines telepathy for obtaining thought forms (the energy phantoms, which professor Mouldashev also comments and explains) and intuition – for mental suggestion.
The first book of the correspondent-member Vezneva entitled “Supersensory Knowledge” was published and republished in 1991 and 1992 by the Publishing House at the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. There the reading of new information was presented:
- The origin of figures – presented by the method of graphic editing
a) first - the roman figures depicted by warriors in military divisions (from 1 at intervals of 5, 10, 50, 500 to 1000), showing them by fingers and hands and the accompanying enlightenment, that the figures preceded the letters and that later on they have been used in the Latin alphabet;
b) then - the Arabic figures, represented by circles that are equal in number to the figures entered in one greater circle (for instance 5 can also be viewed as 10 divided by a line, 6 symbolizes the Harmony denoted by 6 equal circles touching each other and coming into contact a central circle of equal size; 7 is a part of a regular triangle with correlation between the sides 3:4:5 and a symbol of Wisdom denoted through the expression of the Pythagoras Theorem; 8 symbolizes the circular rotation by two opposite connected circles; 9 can be expressed by 9 small circles touching one central circle that is twice bigger, which resembles something new and growing and showing a tendency to absorb the old circles – if we view the figure nine in a different way, then against the background formed by all the circles, the outside and growing circle is notable, which will cover it and a new cycle will begin).
- The “Connection” cycle, consisting of the graphic edited allegories and symbolic images “Unification of the energies at created polarity”, “The three spiritual centers of the Earth”;
- The Bulgarian Glagolitsa Alphabet or the Plan for the operation of the laws of the Spiritual Evolution (everything is energy having different vibrations) – the key for deciphering the information encoded in these unique letters is presented and by the method of the graphical editing – the new information itself was presented.
- The “Warning” cycle was composed by the graphically edited allegory “Law for the Spiritual Energy Accumulation”, which represents the energy levels of development of the human and the interpretation of the image of the Halley's Comet that could be viewed with naked eye in the last days of 1985 and from the end of February to a non-fixed day of May 1986, when its disappearance marked the Chernobil tragedy.
- The cycle “origin” was composed of
a) graphically edited allegories “The Cosmic Energy Reception” presenting information for the inhabiting both the Solar System planets and the Earth and the Symbols of Script, which represent the oldest and the most universal cosmic script and its meaning; the Earth with the two tanks of mental energy”, a symbol of Heaven and Hell;
b) telepathic and intuitive mental suggestion for the Zodiac Circle.
- The “Formula” cycle, comprising:
a) the dream suggestion for the End of the present Earth civilization by loosening the four elements, but also for saving the spiritual, the “luminous” people;
b) the graphically edited allegories “The Life Formula and its Graphics” and “The Life Evaluation Formula”, giving information about the way in which we should preserve the Earth;
c) in the notional suggestions about the new information streaming from the “Ten Commandments” and from “The Earth and the Human Health”, expressing itself in the harmony of the four elements – fire (which rules the nerve system and the endocrine glands), water (which rules the blood, digestive and the secretory system), wind (which rules the respiratory system), earth-stone (which rules the bone and the muscular system)
- The Apocalypse of St. John – contains the key method for deciphering the information: focused meditation on the Apocalypse, which leads to a telepathic connection and to notional suggestions for the new information;
- the cycle “World Myths and Legends” is only implicit and its revelation is at hand.
The book ends with an optimistic picture of the Earth, which is presented as a message for the birth of the New Human Race.
The remaining three books entitled “Along the Spiral of Evolution”, “Esoteric Initiation” and “Beyond the Curtain of Time” were all published by the publishing house “Otkrovenie”. All these three books develop higher levels of the Spiral of knowledge based on what was already said in the first book, laid as a foundation, or formed like a thesis plan for the future wisdom receiving.
The second book entitled “Along the Spiral of Evolution” contains revelations received figuratively by thought forms through the third eye. These are revelations about Love and Will. The first revelation about the figures and Symbols is more detailed now. There are also revelations about art, mantras, here is the second revelation about the symbols (which is still more detailed and with a greater symbolic meaning), a revelation about the beams, the sign of Bulgaria (a male sign, spiritual change and a motto “I connect all the countries and cultures”), the life as a school, the new age of friendship and cooperation, the future language (the telepathy), the music, the illuminated one, a Second Revelation about the figures (colored and vibrational), the School of the Hierarchy, the Seven Rila Lakes (12 dark forces act as 12 dark forces and 12 light forces act as 12x12 light forces; the correlation is 12:144). Then follows new information for the other world, for the spiritual evolution with its laws and the Zodiac like a plan for Spiritual Evolution, the principles, the fate – with a revelation about the name, the chess – as a game symbolizing the game in which the spiritual strives to overcome the material. And also – for the karma lessons and for the memories from old ages (the one’s own memories - as the Mozart sweetheart, the touch to the light of the living word of Jesus, the dedication to the Egyptian wisdom that ends absolutely logically with the Creation presented in Bible’s Genesis.
In the third very interesting book entitled “Esoteric Initiation”, the correspondent member Vezneva describes the teaching about the seven initiated ones that was given by the High Hierarchy of Shamballa, which determines the New Age of Aquarius. This teaching was also submitted by revelations, telepathically, by images and thought forms, through the third eye and intuitively, notionally. Based on the initial knowledge for the human body, aura, the seven main charkas and the developed or the not yet developed senses, the Teaching includes the Energy essence of the human and the Energy Resonance Law, the other world and the Law of the Spiritual Evolution, the power of thought and the Law for cause and effect, the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as the Law for Love and self-sacrifice (this is one of the most important initiations for the contemporary human with the evolving ideas for the origin of man, for the Creation, for Shamballa as the Stronghold of the World and for the Revelation of the Ten Commandments at a higher level). The overcoming of space and the Law of Vibrations, the overcoming of time and the Law of Pulsations, the creation of matter and the Law of Unity – one of the most important elements of these initiations was mentioned by Mouldashev as well, who gained them during his Himalayan expeditions, as well as in his books, which were published several years later than the insights of Vezneva. Besides, in her book she gives not only the Teaching for the Seven Initiations, but also other sources for self-preparation and most of all, she provides practical instructions for self preparation, self-education and for the expected achievements concerning the acquiring energy super sensitiveness, abilities for obtaining medium connection, spiritual gifts and telepathy manifestation, as well as development of intuition.
The fourth book of the author, entitled Beyond the Curtain of Time, consists of a reading of even newer information. In its first part, by the help of the telepathic method, Mariana Vezneva presents the universal image-symbolic and allegorical ancient cosmic language known in the theosophical philosophy as Senzar and encoded in the mythologies of Egypt, Crete, Mycena and Thrace, penetrated by the Orphic mysteries and messages; encoded in Greece and Rome and their cosmogony; in the sacred writings – Genesis; in the Apocalypse of St. John and in the universal symbolic writings – the Zodiac, in the symbols of Life, of the Glagolic Alphabet or of the Revelation of St. Cyril; in the message to the humanity for the birth of the New Race and its teaching, which was received in 1985 by the picture of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 spacecraft.
The ancient cosmic language Senzar was deciphered 200 years after the expedition of Napoleon in Egypt and the finding of the Rozetta Stone that was the key for deciphering the Egypt script by Champollion. Senzar presents The Thracian Rider consecrated plate as a Diploma for Initiation by a three in leaf with a snake wrapped among its branches – a symbol for initiation in the immortality of the consciousness and in the incarnation essence.
In the second part of the book entitled Beyond the Curtain of Time by the help of psychometric explorations of the spot itself, the author described the new telepathically and intuitively received information for the cult of the Sun-God through decoding the Phaistos disk, the Madara Rider and the Solar Sanctuary at Strandja-Sakar region.
In the third part of the book the author presented the Orphic mysteries restored in the Rhodopes by telepathic and intuitive meditation on the Wisdom of Orpheus.
The newest book of the correspondent member Vezneva entitled The Eye of Omniscience consists of three parts, like all the other books of the sequel The Secret School. Its first part entitled The Mysterious Sacred Knowledge deals with the Universal Word – the thought. The essence of the Sacral Knowledge gives the author information about Shamballa and her school. The second part of the book entitles “The Sacral Knowledge in the Course of the Ages” gathers the knowledge from the first four books even on a higher level of the spiral of evolution. On one side the information there is in a highly synthesized form and on another, it was chronologized starting from the initial idea, passing though the Creation of man and through our present time and reaching the third millennium, arranged by periods or milestones, depending to the prophets:
The Plan in the Zodiacal Circle, 11 000 B.C.
The Creation and the evolution in Genesis, 1 500 B.C.
The Genesis in the Greek and Roman mythologies, IX-VIII B.C.
The Apocalypse of St. John – the Apocalypse around the year 120
The Revelation of St. Cyril – the Glagolic Alphabet in the year 855
Nostradamus for the unification of the world – year 1550
The Revelation for the climate worsening – year 1988
A Revelation for the new humanity – year 1997
A Revelation for the XXI century – year 2002
Shamballa - for the seven races.
Besides, the second part of the book presents in a peculiar way the ancient cosmic language Senzar and by the help of the Glagolic Alphabet this part of the book chronologically guides us towards this contemporary pictogramic language Senzar decoded and described by the method of graphical editing and by telepathically-intuitive insights for the constantly complicating pictograms of the crop circles around Stonehenge England (Mouldashev likes so much to decipher them) – this also holds true of the third part of the book entitled The Messages of the Crop Circles - this part comprises messages transmitted through geometric forms, messages about the creation of man, messages about the evolution of the races, messages about the future of the world, a teaching of the New Age, the message of the Great Mother, messages about the new race. The sacral messages continue. At even a higher level here we can find information about the creation of the figures 1 to 10, the seven charkas and the evolution of the races. And at that, the Glagolic Alphabet is not just a chronological transition between the old cosmic and the contemporary pictogramic cosmic language Senzar – it imposes their logical and mutual relation (especially between the letters in which the light creative energy of the Spirit touches the Initial Circle) and the creation of the figures 1 to 10, the seven charkas and the evolution of the races. For their part, the seven charkas and the evolution of the races are connected with the ancient Tibetan and Himalayan yantras and mandalas (and some of them, especially the mandala Kolachakra with Shamballa), are very close to the ever complicating pictograms of the crop circles. And as Vezneva writes, the pictograms of the crop circles grow more and more complicated, so from simple, introductory and guiding they become complex and warning about the danger that the Earth might perish and answering our questions how to protect her – we already have a dialogue with the creators of the pictograms who have the same heaven as ours. At times they put into their creations the symbols of the charkas, at times - the cross, or stylized yantras and mandalas and lead us towards the Stronghold of the World – Shamballa, belonging to both them and us.
Everything is being filled with one and the same sense, everything is subjected to harmonization and unification: the Strategic Plan 2006-2011 of the International Council for Science ICSU at UN, the knowledge of the Theosophical School and its famous representatives – the great Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich from the First Spiritual Age, the scientific and life creed of both the professor of physics Capra and the professor of ophthalmology Mouldashev, as well as the specific new knowledge and the decoding of the old cosmic and the contemporary pictogramic cosmic language Senzar, made by our contemporary Mariana Vezneva. All these persons are representatives of the Second Spiritual Age, which they characterize as an age of both science and religion.
Many reviews and commentaries have been written for Mariana Vezneva by both Bulgarian and foreign scientists, explorers and psychics among which I would like to mention some of those who are also well established abroad – the philosopher and associate professor and doctor Ivanka Rainova from the Vietnamese University, the doctor and professor Dr. Vrubka Orbetsova and the Russian ufologist and academician Michael Eltsyn.
With all my deep conviction and admiration I would like to strongly recommend the publishing of the recent book of Mariana Vezneva “The Eye of Omniscience” by a reputable publishing house, as well as its translation into Russian and English, which should be presented to the Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery and to the International Center for Ecologic Knowledge Schumacher College, England, UK, where many subjects of similar kind are being taught. I also recommend that the study of the cosmic language Senzar is introduced in both the New Bulgarian University, the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and in the Academy for Architecture – initially as free subjects at will, because this language comprises both the Glagolic Alphabet and the Sacred Messages during the ages, especially in its contemporary pictogramic form.
Mariana Vezneva is the first person to decipher the pictograms of the Stonehenge crop circles. We highly appreciate her insights!
April 2007, Sofia
Donka Angelova, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Material Knowledge
Director of the Department of Physical Metallurgy and Heat Aggregates
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
¹Pax Cultura ("Cultural Peace" or "Peace through Culture") is the motto of the cultural artifact protection movement founded by Nicholas Roerich.
The International Council for Science ICSU / at UN developed systems for global surveillance of the climate, the ocean surface, the dry land and the natural conditions in general. It also created a coordination system for these systems for global surveillance of the Earth called GEOSS. The following strategic plan and goals of the ICSU Council for the period 2006-2011 were set:
- Announcement of an International Polar Year (IPY) from 2007 till 2008. In this strategic plan for 2006-2011 it was noted, that the Polar Regions are a unique barometer of the environmental change and provide important insights into the health of the planet as a whole.
- Concentration on both the natural and human-induced environmental hazards and disasters (i.e. hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and global pollution, as well as surface and inner changes of the Earth as a result of pollution, underground ores and resources extraction and slides, caused as a result of deforestation). Development of a really global and interdisciplinary approach towards the understanding (fore sighting) of the evaluation and the decrease of both hazards and disasters.
- Provision of natural social and economical development of the environment by the help of the four main global Programs for Environmental Change, who comprise projects concerning the global pollution, water, food and human health.
In this strategic Plan for 2006-2011 it was mentioned, that the Council will examine the possibilities for regeneration and vulnerability of the social and ecological systems, the way in which the society behavior, culture and values influence the natural development.
- Concentration its efforts on the human health.
The strategic Plan for 2006-2011 states, that global environmental change and human health are interrelated and that the Council will make a new international project planned as a part of the scientific planetary partnership in connection with the systems for surveillance and preservation of the Earth.
- Research and investigation of new horizons.
The strategic Plan for 2006-2011 states, that the interaction between the various trends in both science and life and between the different countries is of critical necessity.
- Universality of science
The strategic Plan for 2006-2011 states, that a common international universal public domain for science will be developed to facilitate the approach to the scientific data and information necessary for the researches, education and for informed decision-making.
- Encouraging the dialogue and the shared understanding for the Earth development.
The definition “The polar regions are a unique barometer of environmental change and provide important insights into the health of the planet as a whole.” appears for the first time in an official UN document and also in a document of the International Council for Science at UN.
This document indeed provides a strategic plan for the 2006-2011 period for responsible protection of the Earth’s health by the help of the newest achievements and control of the science development in conformity with the laws of nature based on the development of natural technologies, products and energy sources, by spreading the knowledge and information gained, which are necessary for the researches and for education and informed decision-making and also through the dialogue and the shared understanding of the Earth evolution. And all this expresses and leads once again to rationalization of the ancient connection Man-Earth-Cosmos, which - as it is well known, depends primarily on the human and his spirituality, on the moral purity, harmony and love, somehow notified beforehand, evaluated and felt through the mind - as thought and analysis, through the soul – as a value system and intuition and through the heart – as good and lovability. The consecutive return to the beginning.
In 1975 the first book of professor Fritjof Capra “The TAO OF physics” was published. It addresses a challenge towards the conventional wisdom through parallels made between the traditional mentality and mysticism of the East and the development of the quantum physics and the general relativity of the 20th century as leading science of the West revealing one and the same basic truth. The Universe-Cosmos is one internally related whole, an unceasing stream of living energy – all of us are part from it. This is the book that presents in what way does the religion and philosophy of the East connect with the contemporary science of the West and give birth to an organic image of the world.
This is a book, which initiates a new, a second Spiritual age in the recent history of humanity - if we consider that the first Spiritual age has begun in 1875 by the Theosophical Society establishment.
Professor Carpa is an universally known physicist - he has done research on particle physics and systems theory and he founded the Center for Ecoliteracy ( at Berkeley, California, dedicated to education for sustainable living under the motto: “We do not need to invent sustainable human communities. We can learn from societies that have lived sustainably for centuries. We can also model communities after nature's ecosystems, which are sustainable communities of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Since the outstanding characteristic of the biosphere is its inherent ability to sustain life, a sustainable human community must be designed in such a manner that its technologies and social institutions honor, support and cooperate with nature's inherent ability to sustain life.”
Professor Capra works at the famous International Center for Ecological Knowledge Schumacher College (, England that was founded in 1991 on the grounds of the conviction that the society needs a new vision, which should present the new values in partnership with the Earth.
It turns out that the Theosophical Society was organized one hundred years earlier – in 1875. Henry Steel Olcott became the first president of the society who has accepted the Buddhist religion. The society was also related with the Russian tradition that was related to the great Himalayan expeditions and poets.
Society's principal founders were Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, (1831-1891), William Quan Judge and Henry Steel Olcott.
Society's followers: George Arundale, Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, Radha Burnier, John Coats, Arthur L. Conger, Robert Crosbie, Abner Doubleday, C.Jinarajadasa, Grace F. Knoche, Jiddu Krishnamurti, C.W.Leadbeater, James A. Long, G.R.S. Mead, Gottfried de Purucher, Nilakanta Sri Ram, Helena Roerih (1879-2954), Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947), Katherine Tingley, B.P.Wadia
Theosophical texts: Helena Blavatsky: Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Voice of Silence (1889), The Key to Theosophy (1889), Mahatma Letters – they are supposed to be written by Mahatma theosophists to Henry Steel Olcott, Helena Blavatsky , etc.
Helena Blavatsky was considered a Great initiate who wrote remarkable and astounding books that remained remarkable and astounding even to this day. Helena Roerih spread the moral and spiritual teaching Agni Yoga in USA and she wrote 32 books devoted to the knowledge that characterizes the new theosophical era.
Nicholas Roerich was a scientist and researcher, academician, writer, poet and philosopher; his interests lay in literature, philosophy, archaeology and especially art and he and his wife Helena Roerich were co-founders of the theosophical Agni Yoga Society as well as of the Master Institute of the United Arts in New York in 1920 and of the archeological center The Himalayan Research Institute in India - in 1928. In 1929 Nicholas Roerich was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the University of Paris. (He received a second nomination in 1935.) His concern for peace led to the creation of the Pax Cultura¹, the "Red Cross" of art and culture. His work in this area also led the United States and the twenty other members of the Pan-American Union to sign the Roerich Pact on April 15, 1935. The Roerich Pact was an early international instrument protecting cultural property. He was known to the lamas as a scientist with a soul of a pilgrim. He was also famous with his astounding pictures – it is to this day controversial whether these pictures were 5000 or 7000. Among them was the brilliant series of several hundreds of pictures painted during the Great Himalayan Expedition that lasted for more than 5 years. These were paintings of amazing coloring of the alpine earth relief with the fantastic blazing forms of an unseen world, with bursts of immense and unattainable mind-imagination and heart-sensitiveness, filled with both movement and peace. They changed under the influence of the outer sunlight and the inner spiritual light, each time differing, inspiring, purifying and half-expressed. Like his books and his thoughts – a paradox for his time, seeking the signs for unification between the ancient Vedic mentality and the analytical formulations of Einstein and the parallels between Agni Yoga and the character of the new age when the Cosmos started to demonstrate an increased interest towards our planet, when humanity comes nearer to the fine types of energy mastering and when the thoughts of mahatmas written down in Agni Yoga are in full compliance with the new problems of science. For the time of the mythical and the sacred Shamballa has come – the time when everybody will communicate by their third eye – the eye of omniscience, the time when the new higher human forces will be controlled and when they will be linked to the cosmic energies, the time when elements like the earth, fire, wind and earthquakes will be controlled. Isn’t this the great personality of the Creator, who has added to His creativity also those fine understanding energies, which we begin to study as late as today; isn’t this the personality of the person of encyclopedic knowledge of the new Spiritual Renaissance that can be most properly correlated to the great Leonardo?
By the end of the previous century, around the magical 2000, the World again begins to get excited by the messages of the ancient civilizations, by some unexplainable phenomena, which are already known to us and which we have already accepted, but which lately get more and more frequent, which intensify and make tight in a strange way the amazing parallels and analogies between the contemporary science and the esoteric and religious knowledge and begin to fundamentally change our concepts for the human as well as for both evolution and Universe. In this sense the great Russian tradition presented by Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich was continued not only mentally, but on the pure physical level as well by the fourth consecutive expeditions to India, Nepal and Tibet and the books written for each one of them by the professor in ophthalmology, the doctor of medicine Ernst Mouldashev, director of the
Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center ( The expeditions were organized under the auspices of the International Academy of Sciences at UN.
Professor Mouldashev is the founder of the trend “Regenerative Eye Surgery” and if the technologies “Alloplant” (the theoretical basis for the batch clinical adoption of the Alloplant was made again in the symbolic 1975 – the beginning of the second Spiritual Age), protected by 10 patents in Russia, Europe and USA; he is a respected consultant and a member of the International Science Academy at the United Nations, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Luiswill University of Ophthalmology of Mexico. He is the first surgeon in the world who in February 2000 transplanted a human eye. After the transplantation he said: “People do not want to understand, that the eye transplantation is a result of complex scientific conclusions including not only medical knowledge, but also data from both physics and molecular biology, as well as form the ancient Tibetan truths.”. And later on: “How can I explain, that during the operation with the alloplant inside the eye I created constructions that were very similar to those that I saw in Tibet – the “rock mirrors” that were bending the time! The time bended indeed and for an incredibly short period within the transplanted eye grew the vessels that already an year and a half provide its blood supply. How can I explain that I wouldn’t have been able to make this operation without the religious knowledge acquired in the Himalayan and Tibetan expeditions, without the strange facts, which we established there: there are mirrors there that condense time; the matter is a twisted space in which the time has stopped and the energy – a twisted space in which the time flows; the thought is composed by the free energy of the time that lives outside the space; the power of thought transfers the matter and the energy in the various parallel worlds, materializes and dematerializes and creates antigravitation; initially the energy body duplicate is created, or the phantom of the human or of the thing, and then the materialization itself takes place; only the five elements: water, fire, wind, earth and the human being can pass from one world into another and return from there; a file of the creative bio-regulation exists that has a special program; the sacred mountain complex Kailas consists of pyramidal architecture buildings built after the mandala principle – this mandala was called Kalachakra and was described by Nicholas Roerih and it is the legendary Town of the Gods that keeps the genetic stock of humanity and which was built by the Great United Intelligence of all the earth races, of the Shamballa Intelligence, penetrated by the endless and eternal Universe-Cosmos. As they came nearer Kailas, they begin to meet more and more often regular circuits with 10-200m diameter in which there grew unusually thick grass similar to the unsolved crop circles in England. The very pyramidal peak Kailas was situated at the center of the Town of the Gods and was the tower of Shamballa, while the legendary stone of Shamballa (called Shantamany) was a stone-file and a program meant for creation and shaping the physical man and was kept within the little Kailas.
There exist both visible and invisible Shamballa – the Town of the Gods itself is the very Matrix of Life.
Many people asked the author if this was not just a fabulous interpretation of the legends and religions of the East. His answer was: If the scientists who are atheists ponder over the well known scientific fact for the cellular unlocality, that is – that each of the billions cells of the human organism immediately becomes aware of the fate of all the other cells, they will understand that this fact cannot be explained with anything but the existence of a thinking substance. The science and religion are the two sides of the knowledge and only the synthesis between them can bear principally new perspectives in the infinite spiral of evolution.
Architect Mariana Vezneva is a Bulgarian who wrote the series of books called “The Mystery School”. Between 1991 and 2000 four books from this series were published and re-published. These were the books The Supersensory Knowledge (1991, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2000), Along the Spiral of Evolution (1995, 1996, 2000), Esoteric Initiation (1998, 1999) and Beyond the Curtain of Time (1998, 1999) – in which architect Mariana Vezneva reveals the experience, interpretations, insights and prophecies she gained at the Sacral School of Shamballa after 1981 after she first mentally gained and then strictly systematized them. She is a descendant of healers with abilities for telepathic contact and clairvoyance. In 1974 during the delivery of her second child she underwent clinical death and as the symbolic 1975 approached (the beginning of the second Spiritual Age) her senses and abilities grew sharper. She herself says, that since 1981 she begun to mentally and telepathically receive systematized spiritual knowledge (a process of training) from the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the invisible Shamballa secret school. This Hierarchy was revealed for the first time in the Secret Doctrine of Helena Blavatsky together with the Law and the Plan for the spiritual evolution that it manages.
Architect Mariana Vezneva is a correspondent-member of the International Academy of Informatization at UNO. She is a clairvoyant that has been awarded Gold Phenomenon as well as an alternative explorer in the spiritual field with expressed abilities for analysis and synthesis. The knowledge she obtains is primarily gained through graphic editing of physically existing, established and registered (that is - already proved by another method information); in the course of its analysis the explorer himself and his method for analysis become a part of the process of perception and realization of the information. The method is the graphic editing while the information is mentally received and interpreted (at wave and energy-brain level). Another very important thing concerning architect Mariana Vezneva is that she has never been outside the country and she has never undertaken traditional expeditions to any part of the Earth. The existing physically known information ways in which the new information is being submitted are:
- published texts – like the Bible, the World Myths and Legends;
- the world known artifacts and ancient historical monuments – for instance, the Phaistos Disc, the Thracian Rider, the Madara Rider, the Solar Sanctuary at Strandja-Sakar region
- the Bulgarian Glagolitsa Alphabet;
- the natural order of numbers;
- the unsolved crop circles near Stonehenge, England.
The interaction “explorer-method-information” is a traditional scientific fact in physics. The explorer and the method used are a part of the process of the information received. Besides, the finer the objects become - together with the energy that corresponds to them, the richer the information they bear is. For instance, the wave-particle dualism established by de Brogile, consists of the following: if a shaft of electron particles is let to pass through a small barrier opening, to the other side of the barrier (using suitable instruments and appliances) we can observe propagation of waves.
Another method used by the correspondent-member Vezneva is the telepathic guidance for going to a specific Spiritual place by the required fine energies and the realization of focused meditation over the Spiritual Hierarchy wisdom - as a result, new information is gained. This method combines telepathy for obtaining thought forms (the energy phantoms, which professor Mouldashev also comments and explains) and intuition – for mental suggestion.
The first book of the correspondent-member Vezneva entitled “Supersensory Knowledge” was published and republished in 1991 and 1992 by the Publishing House at the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. There the reading of new information was presented:
- The origin of figures – presented by the method of graphic editing
a) first - the roman figures depicted by warriors in military divisions (from 1 at intervals of 5, 10, 50, 500 to 1000), showing them by fingers and hands and the accompanying enlightenment, that the figures preceded the letters and that later on they have been used in the Latin alphabet;
b) then - the Arabic figures, represented by circles that are equal in number to the figures entered in one greater circle (for instance 5 can also be viewed as 10 divided by a line, 6 symbolizes the Harmony denoted by 6 equal circles touching each other and coming into contact a central circle of equal size; 7 is a part of a regular triangle with correlation between the sides 3:4:5 and a symbol of Wisdom denoted through the expression of the Pythagoras Theorem; 8 symbolizes the circular rotation by two opposite connected circles; 9 can be expressed by 9 small circles touching one central circle that is twice bigger, which resembles something new and growing and showing a tendency to absorb the old circles – if we view the figure nine in a different way, then against the background formed by all the circles, the outside and growing circle is notable, which will cover it and a new cycle will begin).
- The “Connection” cycle, consisting of the graphic edited allegories and symbolic images “Unification of the energies at created polarity”, “The three spiritual centers of the Earth”;
- The Bulgarian Glagolitsa Alphabet or the Plan for the operation of the laws of the Spiritual Evolution (everything is energy having different vibrations) – the key for deciphering the information encoded in these unique letters is presented and by the method of the graphical editing – the new information itself was presented.
- The “Warning” cycle was composed by the graphically edited allegory “Law for the Spiritual Energy Accumulation”, which represents the energy levels of development of the human and the interpretation of the image of the Halley's Comet that could be viewed with naked eye in the last days of 1985 and from the end of February to a non-fixed day of May 1986, when its disappearance marked the Chernobil tragedy.
- The cycle “origin” was composed of
a) graphically edited allegories “The Cosmic Energy Reception” presenting information for the inhabiting both the Solar System planets and the Earth and the Symbols of Script, which represent the oldest and the most universal cosmic script and its meaning; the Earth with the two tanks of mental energy”, a symbol of Heaven and Hell;
b) telepathic and intuitive mental suggestion for the Zodiac Circle.
- The “Formula” cycle, comprising:
a) the dream suggestion for the End of the present Earth civilization by loosening the four elements, but also for saving the spiritual, the “luminous” people;
b) the graphically edited allegories “The Life Formula and its Graphics” and “The Life Evaluation Formula”, giving information about the way in which we should preserve the Earth;
c) in the notional suggestions about the new information streaming from the “Ten Commandments” and from “The Earth and the Human Health”, expressing itself in the harmony of the four elements – fire (which rules the nerve system and the endocrine glands), water (which rules the blood, digestive and the secretory system), wind (which rules the respiratory system), earth-stone (which rules the bone and the muscular system)
- The Apocalypse of St. John – contains the key method for deciphering the information: focused meditation on the Apocalypse, which leads to a telepathic connection and to notional suggestions for the new information;
- the cycle “World Myths and Legends” is only implicit and its revelation is at hand.
The book ends with an optimistic picture of the Earth, which is presented as a message for the birth of the New Human Race.
The remaining three books entitled “Along the Spiral of Evolution”, “Esoteric Initiation” and “Beyond the Curtain of Time” were all published by the publishing house “Otkrovenie”. All these three books develop higher levels of the Spiral of knowledge based on what was already said in the first book, laid as a foundation, or formed like a thesis plan for the future wisdom receiving.
The second book entitled “Along the Spiral of Evolution” contains revelations received figuratively by thought forms through the third eye. These are revelations about Love and Will. The first revelation about the figures and Symbols is more detailed now. There are also revelations about art, mantras, here is the second revelation about the symbols (which is still more detailed and with a greater symbolic meaning), a revelation about the beams, the sign of Bulgaria (a male sign, spiritual change and a motto “I connect all the countries and cultures”), the life as a school, the new age of friendship and cooperation, the future language (the telepathy), the music, the illuminated one, a Second Revelation about the figures (colored and vibrational), the School of the Hierarchy, the Seven Rila Lakes (12 dark forces act as 12 dark forces and 12 light forces act as 12x12 light forces; the correlation is 12:144). Then follows new information for the other world, for the spiritual evolution with its laws and the Zodiac like a plan for Spiritual Evolution, the principles, the fate – with a revelation about the name, the chess – as a game symbolizing the game in which the spiritual strives to overcome the material. And also – for the karma lessons and for the memories from old ages (the one’s own memories - as the Mozart sweetheart, the touch to the light of the living word of Jesus, the dedication to the Egyptian wisdom that ends absolutely logically with the Creation presented in Bible’s Genesis.
In the third very interesting book entitled “Esoteric Initiation”, the correspondent member Vezneva describes the teaching about the seven initiated ones that was given by the High Hierarchy of Shamballa, which determines the New Age of Aquarius. This teaching was also submitted by revelations, telepathically, by images and thought forms, through the third eye and intuitively, notionally. Based on the initial knowledge for the human body, aura, the seven main charkas and the developed or the not yet developed senses, the Teaching includes the Energy essence of the human and the Energy Resonance Law, the other world and the Law of the Spiritual Evolution, the power of thought and the Law for cause and effect, the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as the Law for Love and self-sacrifice (this is one of the most important initiations for the contemporary human with the evolving ideas for the origin of man, for the Creation, for Shamballa as the Stronghold of the World and for the Revelation of the Ten Commandments at a higher level). The overcoming of space and the Law of Vibrations, the overcoming of time and the Law of Pulsations, the creation of matter and the Law of Unity – one of the most important elements of these initiations was mentioned by Mouldashev as well, who gained them during his Himalayan expeditions, as well as in his books, which were published several years later than the insights of Vezneva. Besides, in her book she gives not only the Teaching for the Seven Initiations, but also other sources for self-preparation and most of all, she provides practical instructions for self preparation, self-education and for the expected achievements concerning the acquiring energy super sensitiveness, abilities for obtaining medium connection, spiritual gifts and telepathy manifestation, as well as development of intuition.
The fourth book of the author, entitled Beyond the Curtain of Time, consists of a reading of even newer information. In its first part, by the help of the telepathic method, Mariana Vezneva presents the universal image-symbolic and allegorical ancient cosmic language known in the theosophical philosophy as Senzar and encoded in the mythologies of Egypt, Crete, Mycena and Thrace, penetrated by the Orphic mysteries and messages; encoded in Greece and Rome and their cosmogony; in the sacred writings – Genesis; in the Apocalypse of St. John and in the universal symbolic writings – the Zodiac, in the symbols of Life, of the Glagolic Alphabet or of the Revelation of St. Cyril; in the message to the humanity for the birth of the New Race and its teaching, which was received in 1985 by the picture of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 spacecraft.
The ancient cosmic language Senzar was deciphered 200 years after the expedition of Napoleon in Egypt and the finding of the Rozetta Stone that was the key for deciphering the Egypt script by Champollion. Senzar presents The Thracian Rider consecrated plate as a Diploma for Initiation by a three in leaf with a snake wrapped among its branches – a symbol for initiation in the immortality of the consciousness and in the incarnation essence.
In the second part of the book entitled Beyond the Curtain of Time by the help of psychometric explorations of the spot itself, the author described the new telepathically and intuitively received information for the cult of the Sun-God through decoding the Phaistos disk, the Madara Rider and the Solar Sanctuary at Strandja-Sakar region.
In the third part of the book the author presented the Orphic mysteries restored in the Rhodopes by telepathic and intuitive meditation on the Wisdom of Orpheus.
The newest book of the correspondent member Vezneva entitled The Eye of Omniscience consists of three parts, like all the other books of the sequel The Secret School. Its first part entitled The Mysterious Sacred Knowledge deals with the Universal Word – the thought. The essence of the Sacral Knowledge gives the author information about Shamballa and her school. The second part of the book entitles “The Sacral Knowledge in the Course of the Ages” gathers the knowledge from the first four books even on a higher level of the spiral of evolution. On one side the information there is in a highly synthesized form and on another, it was chronologized starting from the initial idea, passing though the Creation of man and through our present time and reaching the third millennium, arranged by periods or milestones, depending to the prophets:
The Plan in the Zodiacal Circle, 11 000 B.C.
The Creation and the evolution in Genesis, 1 500 B.C.
The Genesis in the Greek and Roman mythologies, IX-VIII B.C.
The Apocalypse of St. John – the Apocalypse around the year 120
The Revelation of St. Cyril – the Glagolic Alphabet in the year 855
Nostradamus for the unification of the world – year 1550
The Revelation for the climate worsening – year 1988
A Revelation for the new humanity – year 1997
A Revelation for the XXI century – year 2002
Shamballa - for the seven races.
Besides, the second part of the book presents in a peculiar way the ancient cosmic language Senzar and by the help of the Glagolic Alphabet this part of the book chronologically guides us towards this contemporary pictogramic language Senzar decoded and described by the method of graphical editing and by telepathically-intuitive insights for the constantly complicating pictograms of the crop circles around Stonehenge England (Mouldashev likes so much to decipher them) – this also holds true of the third part of the book entitled The Messages of the Crop Circles - this part comprises messages transmitted through geometric forms, messages about the creation of man, messages about the evolution of the races, messages about the future of the world, a teaching of the New Age, the message of the Great Mother, messages about the new race. The sacral messages continue. At even a higher level here we can find information about the creation of the figures 1 to 10, the seven charkas and the evolution of the races. And at that, the Glagolic Alphabet is not just a chronological transition between the old cosmic and the contemporary pictogramic cosmic language Senzar – it imposes their logical and mutual relation (especially between the letters in which the light creative energy of the Spirit touches the Initial Circle) and the creation of the figures 1 to 10, the seven charkas and the evolution of the races. For their part, the seven charkas and the evolution of the races are connected with the ancient Tibetan and Himalayan yantras and mandalas (and some of them, especially the mandala Kolachakra with Shamballa), are very close to the ever complicating pictograms of the crop circles. And as Vezneva writes, the pictograms of the crop circles grow more and more complicated, so from simple, introductory and guiding they become complex and warning about the danger that the Earth might perish and answering our questions how to protect her – we already have a dialogue with the creators of the pictograms who have the same heaven as ours. At times they put into their creations the symbols of the charkas, at times - the cross, or stylized yantras and mandalas and lead us towards the Stronghold of the World – Shamballa, belonging to both them and us.
Everything is being filled with one and the same sense, everything is subjected to harmonization and unification: the Strategic Plan 2006-2011 of the International Council for Science ICSU at UN, the knowledge of the Theosophical School and its famous representatives – the great Helena Blavatsky and Nicholas Roerich from the First Spiritual Age, the scientific and life creed of both the professor of physics Capra and the professor of ophthalmology Mouldashev, as well as the specific new knowledge and the decoding of the old cosmic and the contemporary pictogramic cosmic language Senzar, made by our contemporary Mariana Vezneva. All these persons are representatives of the Second Spiritual Age, which they characterize as an age of both science and religion.
Many reviews and commentaries have been written for Mariana Vezneva by both Bulgarian and foreign scientists, explorers and psychics among which I would like to mention some of those who are also well established abroad – the philosopher and associate professor and doctor Ivanka Rainova from the Vietnamese University, the doctor and professor Dr. Vrubka Orbetsova and the Russian ufologist and academician Michael Eltsyn.
With all my deep conviction and admiration I would like to strongly recommend the publishing of the recent book of Mariana Vezneva “The Eye of Omniscience” by a reputable publishing house, as well as its translation into Russian and English, which should be presented to the Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery and to the International Center for Ecologic Knowledge Schumacher College, England, UK, where many subjects of similar kind are being taught. I also recommend that the study of the cosmic language Senzar is introduced in both the New Bulgarian University, the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and in the Academy for Architecture – initially as free subjects at will, because this language comprises both the Glagolic Alphabet and the Sacred Messages during the ages, especially in its contemporary pictogramic form.
Mariana Vezneva is the first person to decipher the pictograms of the Stonehenge crop circles. We highly appreciate her insights!
April 2007, Sofia
Donka Angelova, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Material Knowledge
Director of the Department of Physical Metallurgy and Heat Aggregates
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
¹Pax Cultura ("Cultural Peace" or "Peace through Culture") is the motto of the cultural artifact protection movement founded by Nicholas Roerich.
“The Mental-Pictogram Dialogue Experiment”
This unique experiment was carried out in 2009 by a group of 14 scientists together with the crop circles creators and headed by the phenomenon Mariana Vezneva.
The “Crop Circles” phenomenon is an agricultural formation with perfectly lined up geometric forms which appear suddenly and without human involvement. The crop circles are getting very popular all over the world and their numbers are increasingly progressing.
Most people suggest that these formations are result of an alien involvement and that aliens are sending messages here on the Earth through combinations of symbols. Some of the symbols have been used for centuries from ancient civilizations and they are part of the spiritual and esoteric language. This means that the crop circles messages are addressed to this part of the humanity which is opened to spiritual development.
In order to read the symbols, it is necessary to have knowledge of the sacral symbols and special skills to make telepathic dialogue with the high-rank beings who are the authors and creators of the crop circles. They receive detailed information regarding the necessary actions that need to be taken regarding the incoming warning messages.
Mariana Vezneva, who is an architect by profession, is a member of the Board of the International Informatization Academy. She is also a world famous author of esoteric literature. She was “chosen” to be educated by the high-rank beings to read and spread the seeds of the warning signs sent by the symbols of the crop circles.
Mariana Vezneva is able to use:
- Telepathy - the universal galactic language.
- Symbolism - the sacral galactic alphabet.
- Psychometry - extracting the mental record of the material messenger.
- Meditation - the way to establish relationship with other worlds.
She is the author of ten books, three of which are dedicated to the messages sent trough the Crop circles. The first book is called “The messages in the crop circles” (2004), the second one is called “The Eye of Omniscience” (2007), and the third one is “The Warning Dialogue with the Symbols of the Crop Circles” (2010).
Architect Vezneva comes in touch with the crop circles for first time on Internet in 2003 and since then she draws the circles step by step in the same way they were created by their authors. By doing so she makes a telepathic dialog with the creators which are giving her instructions on how to decode the crop circles messages. In 2003 she was able to create a dialog with authors of the circles by telepathy and later on by using the mental-pictogram method.
She is one of the few people in the world who has the gift to make a mental pictogram dialog with the creators of the crop circles, and believes that the information included in the symbolic letters carries warning signs about extremely important upcoming events regarding the Earth and Humanity.
In 2009, the writer-phenomenon received a request telepathically to attract scientists for mental-pictogram dialog. A new team of great scientists was created, which initially included 14 people but later grew to 20. Some of them are world recognized scientists. The participants were Maria Zlateva, Vrubka Orvezova, Stanislav Semerjiev, Yordan Tasev, Kiril Paleshutski, Veselka Zafirova, Vesala Traikova, Rumiana Hristova, Maria Karazlateva, Konstantin Zlatev, Albena Staneva, Stefka Nedevska and Ludmil Jekov.
Requirements for Participation in the Experiment
Every participant had to write all the questions on paper. It was required that the questions should not be based on curiosity, and the answers should not have been derived from any other source or from previous crop circles information. The questions had to be Universal and related to saving the life of the planet Earth.
At the beginning, Mariana Vezneva had to initiate a dialogue with the creators and her task was to communicate with them telepathically, and then sent the questions from the scientists to the crop circles creators. The next step was to follow on the Internet the news about the new crop circles formations, as well as to recognize the answers from the scientist’s questions. Soon after the questions were sent by Mariana, the answers had to be received in 12 crop circles formations in Wilshire in England. The rest of them had to appear by August 2009.
Experiment’s Two Phases
There were 50 questions. 36 new crop circle formations were recognized several days after the scientist group session took place. The first pictogram appeared on April 14th and the last one on August 16th. In the end of every phase there was a pictogram-crop circle formation congratulating the participants about their spiritual growth.
Some of the questions were answered in details with 2 or 3 pictogram-crop circles. It looked like it was hard to explain the questions just by one crop circle. In contrast most of the questions were explained in just one pictogram. In some cases, there were answers of a couple of questions in just one pictogram-crop circle. It seemed to the creators that the questions were related and that they could be explained in one picture.
The experimental results included the following topics which were clarified at a later date. In the First Phase, the dialogue with the creators was regarding “The Cosmos”, “The Human Species”, “The Earth”, and “The Actions”. In the Second Phase the topics were “The End of the World”, “ The Decline of our Human Civilization”,” The New Human Species” and “The Universe Patrons”.
From the pictogram-crop circle which appeared on 19.04.09, it was clear that the dialogue was only about the sacral themes, such as the Human Creation, Evolution, the end of the World and the laws of the Universe applied in the physical and spiritual world.
In the last two pictograms, which appeared on August 6th and 10th, it was clear that the creators of the crop circles are creatures like us, who have reached much higher level of spiritual consciousness on the way to higher and faster evolution. They were able to communicate with us telepathically and conveyed the message that they were “the Mahatmas from Shamble”, known of the “Letter from the Mahatmas”, and the books by Elena Blavatsky written in the 18th century. The letters of Blavatsky are currently located in British Museum.
After the First Phase of the experiment on May 11th, 2009, a conference took place with the participants of this experiment, and after the Second Phase a second conference was organized on November 13th, 2009.
The experiment which took place in 2009 with the group of scientists, including the phenomenon Mariana Vezneva and the creators of the crop circles was successful.
A dialogue was realized and most of the answers were recognized from some participants. As we asked by the creators, the messages from this experiment need to be spread all over the world and become a priority in everyday’s life.
The messages made us think and helped us grow on a way to our spiritual evolution. The massages were clear that we need to change fast in order to save our life as human species, and to help preserve the Universe in the coming physical and spiritual transition. If our consciousness as humans does not change we are facing global changes with unpredictable consequences.
All results of the experiment are presented with detailed diagrams in the book of Mariana Vezneva “The Warning Dialogue with the Symbols of the Crop Circles” 2003-2009.
The following protocol was signed by the participants, as follows:
The original of this protocol is kept by Albena Staneva, director of the ”Center for Saving the Life on Mother Earth”.
This unique experiment was carried out in 2009 by a group of 14 scientists together with the crop circles creators and headed by the phenomenon Mariana Vezneva.
The “Crop Circles” phenomenon is an agricultural formation with perfectly lined up geometric forms which appear suddenly and without human involvement. The crop circles are getting very popular all over the world and their numbers are increasingly progressing.
Most people suggest that these formations are result of an alien involvement and that aliens are sending messages here on the Earth through combinations of symbols. Some of the symbols have been used for centuries from ancient civilizations and they are part of the spiritual and esoteric language. This means that the crop circles messages are addressed to this part of the humanity which is opened to spiritual development.
In order to read the symbols, it is necessary to have knowledge of the sacral symbols and special skills to make telepathic dialogue with the high-rank beings who are the authors and creators of the crop circles. They receive detailed information regarding the necessary actions that need to be taken regarding the incoming warning messages.
Mariana Vezneva, who is an architect by profession, is a member of the Board of the International Informatization Academy. She is also a world famous author of esoteric literature. She was “chosen” to be educated by the high-rank beings to read and spread the seeds of the warning signs sent by the symbols of the crop circles.
Mariana Vezneva is able to use:
- Telepathy - the universal galactic language.
- Symbolism - the sacral galactic alphabet.
- Psychometry - extracting the mental record of the material messenger.
- Meditation - the way to establish relationship with other worlds.
She is the author of ten books, three of which are dedicated to the messages sent trough the Crop circles. The first book is called “The messages in the crop circles” (2004), the second one is called “The Eye of Omniscience” (2007), and the third one is “The Warning Dialogue with the Symbols of the Crop Circles” (2010).
Architect Vezneva comes in touch with the crop circles for first time on Internet in 2003 and since then she draws the circles step by step in the same way they were created by their authors. By doing so she makes a telepathic dialog with the creators which are giving her instructions on how to decode the crop circles messages. In 2003 she was able to create a dialog with authors of the circles by telepathy and later on by using the mental-pictogram method.
She is one of the few people in the world who has the gift to make a mental pictogram dialog with the creators of the crop circles, and believes that the information included in the symbolic letters carries warning signs about extremely important upcoming events regarding the Earth and Humanity.
In 2009, the writer-phenomenon received a request telepathically to attract scientists for mental-pictogram dialog. A new team of great scientists was created, which initially included 14 people but later grew to 20. Some of them are world recognized scientists. The participants were Maria Zlateva, Vrubka Orvezova, Stanislav Semerjiev, Yordan Tasev, Kiril Paleshutski, Veselka Zafirova, Vesala Traikova, Rumiana Hristova, Maria Karazlateva, Konstantin Zlatev, Albena Staneva, Stefka Nedevska and Ludmil Jekov.
Requirements for Participation in the Experiment
Every participant had to write all the questions on paper. It was required that the questions should not be based on curiosity, and the answers should not have been derived from any other source or from previous crop circles information. The questions had to be Universal and related to saving the life of the planet Earth.
At the beginning, Mariana Vezneva had to initiate a dialogue with the creators and her task was to communicate with them telepathically, and then sent the questions from the scientists to the crop circles creators. The next step was to follow on the Internet the news about the new crop circles formations, as well as to recognize the answers from the scientist’s questions. Soon after the questions were sent by Mariana, the answers had to be received in 12 crop circles formations in Wilshire in England. The rest of them had to appear by August 2009.
Experiment’s Two Phases
There were 50 questions. 36 new crop circle formations were recognized several days after the scientist group session took place. The first pictogram appeared on April 14th and the last one on August 16th. In the end of every phase there was a pictogram-crop circle formation congratulating the participants about their spiritual growth.
Some of the questions were answered in details with 2 or 3 pictogram-crop circles. It looked like it was hard to explain the questions just by one crop circle. In contrast most of the questions were explained in just one pictogram. In some cases, there were answers of a couple of questions in just one pictogram-crop circle. It seemed to the creators that the questions were related and that they could be explained in one picture.
The experimental results included the following topics which were clarified at a later date. In the First Phase, the dialogue with the creators was regarding “The Cosmos”, “The Human Species”, “The Earth”, and “The Actions”. In the Second Phase the topics were “The End of the World”, “ The Decline of our Human Civilization”,” The New Human Species” and “The Universe Patrons”.
From the pictogram-crop circle which appeared on 19.04.09, it was clear that the dialogue was only about the sacral themes, such as the Human Creation, Evolution, the end of the World and the laws of the Universe applied in the physical and spiritual world.
In the last two pictograms, which appeared on August 6th and 10th, it was clear that the creators of the crop circles are creatures like us, who have reached much higher level of spiritual consciousness on the way to higher and faster evolution. They were able to communicate with us telepathically and conveyed the message that they were “the Mahatmas from Shamble”, known of the “Letter from the Mahatmas”, and the books by Elena Blavatsky written in the 18th century. The letters of Blavatsky are currently located in British Museum.
After the First Phase of the experiment on May 11th, 2009, a conference took place with the participants of this experiment, and after the Second Phase a second conference was organized on November 13th, 2009.
The experiment which took place in 2009 with the group of scientists, including the phenomenon Mariana Vezneva and the creators of the crop circles was successful.
A dialogue was realized and most of the answers were recognized from some participants. As we asked by the creators, the messages from this experiment need to be spread all over the world and become a priority in everyday’s life.
The messages made us think and helped us grow on a way to our spiritual evolution. The massages were clear that we need to change fast in order to save our life as human species, and to help preserve the Universe in the coming physical and spiritual transition. If our consciousness as humans does not change we are facing global changes with unpredictable consequences.
All results of the experiment are presented with detailed diagrams in the book of Mariana Vezneva “The Warning Dialogue with the Symbols of the Crop Circles” 2003-2009.
The following protocol was signed by the participants, as follows:
- Mariana Vezneva- architect,member of MAI
- Maria Zlateva - Professor in Biotechnology and Ecology
- Vrabka Orvezova - Professor in Patho-bio-chemistry
- Stanislav Semerjiev – Professor and Rector of National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts
- Yordan Tasev - Doctor in Physics in Bulgarian Academy of Science
- Kiril Paleshutski - Doctor in History at South-East University “Neofit Rilski”
- Veselka Zafirova - Doctor in History at University “St.K.Ohridsky”
- Vesela Traikova - Doctor in History and Science
- Rumiana Xristova - Medical Doctor
- Maria Karazlateva - Chief expert at the Ministry of Culture
- Kostadin Zlatev -Doctor of Theology and Religion
- Stefka Nadevska - Manager from England
- Ludmil Jekov - Master of Spiritual Science
- Albena Staneva - Master of Ecology
The original of this protocol is kept by Albena Staneva, director of the ”Center for Saving the Life on Mother Earth”.